Re: [orca-list] New bu on TB 60 and Orca 3.30

Hi Alex.

It's clear now. Looking at Accerciser, here are the problems/brokenness:

1. The children of list boxes should be list items; what we have now
   is two labels and a link, and the push button. That makes no sense.
2. When I use the selection interface to see how many selected children
   there are, I'm told one. This is good (insofar as visually, one thing
   is highlighted) however:
3. When I use the selection interface to get the selected child, I get
   no object returned.

Based on the above, I'm wondering if something is causing the list item
to be pruned from the accessibility tree even though it's really there
in the GUI.

This most definitely needs to be fixed in Thunderbird. Sorry.

On 11/15/18 7:17 AM, Alex ARNAUD wrote:
Also, just to be sure: Are you performing the test without Orca running?
If Orca is running and Orca thinks you are in web content, it might be
consuming the keystrokes.

After discussing with Jean-Philippe the arrow keys is not the real
issue, the issue is that the title of the event is not presented to the

The steps to reproduce:
1) Create an event that we'll happen in one hour
2) Add a reminder to one day before
3) Thunderbird will give you a pop-up window
4) Press tab to go to detail link
5) Press shift+tab to go on the title of the event

Result with Thunderbird 52:
The event title is presented to the user

Result with Thunderbird 60:
The event title is not presented to the user

BTW, earlier in the thread you asked about adding the name to the
listbox. That is *not* the correct solution. Notice that the name was
associated with the list item. When you arrow in a list box, the child
list items should announce that they have become selected and/or
focused. Orca then presents the newly-selected item. The list box is the
parent container of all the items.

All the list box content seems visible in Accerciser.

I hope it's clear right now.

Best regards,

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