Re: [orca-list] New bu on TB 60 and Orca 3.30

Hey Alex.

Responses inline below:

On 11/14/18 12:29 PM, Alex ARNAUD wrote:
Le 14/11/2018 à 16:14, Joanmarie Diggs a écrit :
Visually what happens when you arrow up and down in Thunderbird 60?

Nothing happened.

To be clear, do you mean that the selection didn't change on screen? Or
that selection changed on screen but there were no accessibility events?

Also, just to be sure: Are you performing the test without Orca running?
If Orca is running and Orca thinks you are in web content, it might be
consuming the keystrokes.

If Orca isn't running, then:

* If you mean selection didn't change on screen that sounds like
  broken keyboard support; not broken accessibility-event support.
  Accessibility events typically come along with changes within
  the GUI.

* If selection did change on screen, but there are no accessibility
  events emitted, then the lack of events is the bug.

I don't want to copy your words :) but it looks like we'll take a look
to this because you couldn't do anything if Orca doesn't receive events.

Correct, pending your confirmation of the things I stated above.

BTW, earlier in the thread you asked about adding the name to the
listbox. That is *not* the correct solution. Notice that the name was
associated with the list item. When you arrow in a list box, the child
list items should announce that they have become selected and/or
focused. Orca then presents the newly-selected item. The list box is the
parent container of all the items.

Thanks for your help with this!

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