Re: [orca-list] New bu on TB 60 and Orca 3.30

Also, just to be sure: Are you performing the test without Orca running?
If Orca is running and Orca thinks you are in web content, it might be
consuming the keystrokes.

After discussing with Jean-Philippe the arrow keys is not the real issue, the issue is that the title of the event is not presented to the user.

The steps to reproduce:
1) Create an event that we'll happen in one hour
2) Add a reminder to one day before
3) Thunderbird will give you a pop-up window
4) Press tab to go to detail link
5) Press shift+tab to go on the title of the event

Result with Thunderbird 52:
The event title is presented to the user

Result with Thunderbird 60:
The event title is not presented to the user

BTW, earlier in the thread you asked about adding the name to the
listbox. That is *not* the correct solution. Notice that the name was
associated with the list item. When you arrow in a list box, the child
list items should announce that they have become selected and/or
focused. Orca then presents the newly-selected item. The list box is the
parent container of all the items.

All the list box content seems visible in Accerciser.

I hope it's clear right now.

Best regards,

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