Re: [orca-list] RFC: reporting spread sheet selection changes

I don't want to press where am I every time I wanted to hear the contents of
the last cell in the selection. I want it as I go along. If a sighted person
can drag through a range of 100 cells in a matter of 30 seconds, then I need
to do the same thing. How will that happen if I get lost in a block of 100
cells because all I hear are coordinate values? We already have a
disadvantage in employment. Don't make it worse by requiring us take more
time selecting a range of cells.

-----Original Message-----
From: orca-list <orca-list-bounces gnome org> On Behalf Of Kyle via
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2018 11:51 PM
To: orca-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [orca-list] RFC: reporting spread sheet selection changes

But you want the screen reader to speak all that information if only one
additional cell is selected or deselected? It's much more consistent and
much less information overload if you have sells a1-c1 selected, you select
d1 and it says "Selected D1. Then removing D1 from the selection should say
"Deselected D1." This just presents things in a much more manageable format.
If I need to hear the whole range of selected cells plus the text of the
current cell, I should be able to press WhereAmI and hear something like
"Cells A1 through D1 selected. Currently on cell
D1: E-mail Address." This is the best example of giving me all the
information only when it's needed, so I don't have to be confused every time
I add or remove only one cell from the selection. If I add or remove a
range, then I need to hear more information, but it should only be the newly
selected range, though in that case, it wouldn't actually be any more
verbose to give me the full selection range, but it can be more confusing
due to consistency issues. So if I select down to the next row in the
example above, I would expect Orca to say "Selected A2 through C2" and then
if I deselect those sells again, "Deselected A2 through C2" should be
spoken. This is consistent, less confusing and only tells me what I need to
hear when I need to hear it. If I need more, it's very easy to get more.
This is similar to the behavior I would expect when selecting files in a
file manager, although if I select down a row, I don't think I want or need
to hear every filename I just selected, as there would be no other way to
pass along the fact that a whole row was selected. So maybe it would say
"Selected 1 row" or similar in that case. Still, less is more for screen
reader users, and the people writing all these other screen readers need to
be taking this into account. It's not really good in this case to copy
overly verbose screen readers just for the sake of copying them.

Imetumwa kutoka taa

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