Re: [orca-list] yasrd

I have not used the program in question, but to answer an inplied 
question, screen is very nicely accessible. 
I have heard mixed reviews of tmux, but the one quick try worked for me.
The problem was using these, or at the least screen over ssh with speakup 
locally. Perhaps this could be made to work better, but it was noisy when 
I tried it once.
And as long as we are looking at alternatives, one can use disown and 
background programs. 
I have not dealt  with the case at hand, but when I start some programs 
that need a terminal to start I use disown so I can close the terminal, no 
need to install anything extra that I recall, or did  I get some package?
As similar, but harder to type option would be to use nohup and 
redirect out put to /dev/null.
   Disown works differently I think depending on shells, and may not exist 
at all in some, only really used it in bash personally.

B. Henry
*follow me on Twitter @BurtHenry
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(this address)
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===========================================ý?????ý?Hello, Kyle,
===========================================ý?????ý?how is this different from starting a tmux session?
===========================================ý?????ý?Or screen or byobu.
===========================================ý?????ý?You can start a session in one of those programs, run 
the command
===========================================ý?????ý?(here: festival) and detach it.
===========================================ý?????ý?Sometime later it is just a matter of reattach the 
session to continue
===========================================ý?????ý?where you left.
===========================================ý?????ý?I don't know how well they're designed with respect to 
===========================================ý?????ý?but I know, that system administrators rely on them.
===========================================ý?????ý?Kind regards,
===========================================ý?????ý?Am Thu, 28 Apr 2016 07:11:04 -0400
===========================================ý?????ý?schrieb Kyle <kyle4jesus gmail com>:
===========================================ý?????ý?> It seems like you could install the dtach package and 
then run
===========================================ý?????ý?> something like
===========================================ý?????ý?> dtach -c ~/.festival festival --server
===========================================ý?????ý?> and then your festival server won't take up a 
terminal. This seems
===========================================ý?????ý?> like a viable option until speech-dispatcher starts 
its own Festival
===========================================ý?????ý?> instance. Hope this helps.
===========================================ý?????ý?> Sent from Graffiti Bridge
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