Re: [orca-list] yasrd

Hello, Kyle,

how is this different from starting a tmux session?
Or screen or byobu.

You can start a session in one of those programs, run the command
(here: festival) and detach it.
Sometime later it is just a matter of reattach the session to continue
where you left.

I don't know how well they're designed with respect to accessibility,
but I know, that system administrators rely on them.

Kind regards,


Am Thu, 28 Apr 2016 07:11:04 -0400
schrieb Kyle <kyle4jesus gmail com>:

It seems like you could install the dtach package and then run
something like
dtach -c ~/.festival festival --server
and then your festival server won't take up a terminal. This seems
like a viable option until speech-dispatcher starts its own Festival
instance. Hope this helps.
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