Re: [orca-list] Spellcheck support for LibreOffice

Hi Peter.

On 08/15/2015 09:48 AM, Peter Vágner wrote:

Now I am no longer able to hear the fact a word is missspelled when
pressing orca+f no mather what I am doing.

I moved the attribute as you described in my own preferences, and now
Orca presents it first. I cannot reproduce it. Sorry! If you are still
experiencing this problem, could you please send me your
$HOME/.local/share/orca directory so I can try your exact settings?

I have also tested check spelling dialog without and with this latest
change you have just committed into master. What the new stuff does is
that it spells letterby letter highlighted words. I think it's nice.

Well, it does more than that in Gedit and Thunderbird -- and will do
more than that in LibreOffice once they fix their bug. In particular it:

1. Spells out the error (can be disabled via preference)
2. Spells out the suggestion (can be disabled via preference)
3. Presents the context (can be disabled via preference)
4. Basic where am I will repeat the above, respecting your preferences
5. Detailed where am I will present the above, in full detail

The problem with LibreOffice and the bug I mentioned is that we cannot
identify the error in the spellcheck dialog. It's in the same entry as
the context (fine), and shown to sighted users via bold red text (fine),
but those text attributes are not exposed to us (not fine). As a result,
I suggested that users disable 1 because you don't want the full context
spelled out. I similarly suggested users disable 3 because the context
is presented as part of item 1.

Related aside: Yes, I plan to implement this for Evolution too. It's
near the top of my to-do list.

Getting back to your report:

Additionally would it be possible to add spelling errors reporting when
pressing orca+f for other apps? I would like to have this working in
Firefox and Thunderbird if possible.

Should be fixed now.

Thanks for the report!

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