I have done the following: Started a new Libreoffice writer document. Wrote single sentence with a single missspelled word inside it. Navigated letter by letter into that word and pressed orca+f to retrieve its formatting. I've received all the formatting info including the fact a word is missspelled however the info reporting there is a missspelled word is reported after all the font attributes. I have opened screen reader preferences window, went to the text attributes tab, selected spelling error in the list, clicked move to the top button and dismissed the screen reader preferences dialog pressing the OK button. Now I am no longer able to hear the fact a word is missspelled when pressing orca+f no mather what I am doing. I have tried to press restore default on the text attributes tab, I have tried to move spelling error downwards but I can't get it to announce. I have also tested check spelling dialog without and with this latest change you have just committed into master. What the new stuff does is that it spells letterby letter highlighted words. I think it's nice. Additionally would it be possible to add spelling errors reporting when pressing orca+f for other apps? I would like to have this working in Firefox and Thunderbird if possible. Greetings Peter On 15.08.2015 at 10:50 Hammer Attila wrote: Hi, |