Re: [orca-list] Need Help Getting my Speech Back

Hi Alex,

Well, what I actually meant was installing speechd-up was folly. I've
used espeakup in the past with no problems and will definitely go back
to using it. Now, I use pulse rather than alsa, and festival won't
work at all on my system. At least, not without a lot of configuring
etc. So I've pretty much given up on it as a viable synth on Ubuntu.

Now, as for my own setup I am running Ubuntu 12.04.2 with Unity 2D as
my default desktop. Since Ubuntu is not only my primary OS and 90% of
the apps I use are GUI based Speakup is only a secondary concern for
me. Most of what I use such as Firefox, Thunderbird, Totem,
LibreOffice, Banshee, etc all require a desktop anyway so I don't have
much need for Emacspeak or Speakup these days. Although, like you,
when it comes to console access I want Speakup if I am going to be
working with the console for any length of time such as playing
interactive fiction text adventures through frotz, playing Alter Eaon
over telnet, or debugging and compiling code from the console.
Otherwise I pretty much need a GUI for what I want to do.

On 6/28/13, Alex Midence <alex midence gmail com> wrote:
Well, I don't think it's folly to put Speakup on there as your screen
reader.  I just don't use speechdup.  I use espeakup and it works like a
lovely charm.  My current setup is:

OS:  Debian Wheezy
Console screen reader:  speakup w/ espeakup
* gnome 3.4.2 w/ Orca through speech dispatcher
* Emacs through emacspeak
Speech synthesizer:  E-speak
Sound output system:  Pure Alsa

If you'll notice, there's absolutely no two solutions that depend on the
same speech output servers with the exception of e-speak being the speech
synthesizer for all.  I've got gnome-speech with festival as a backup in
case speech dispatcher goes on the blink.  After that, all is just peachy.

I like having Speakup for console speech because, quite frankly, I like the
way it handles the command line more than how Orca does.  I also use this
Linux box as a web server primarily so I don't always have the desktop
system up and running.  I've got one on there and do use it on rare
occasions but, mostly, speakup and emacspeak are what I run on it when I am
physically in front of it or SSH through PUTTY on a Windows machine.

Alex M

Alex M

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