Re: [orca-list] the speakupmodified dists from

Hi Kirk,

You are absolutely correct, but it doesn't change the facts. We are
not living in the 1980's any more, and today most of the people who
are using computers have grown up with Microsoft Windows, Microsoft
Office, etc and never had experience with Dos let alone Emacs etc.
While Emacs may have been the norm for the 1980's it is very
unconventional now days and the majority of the users will inevitably
choose Open Office, Libre Office, Gedit, whatever because it is
similar to their prior experience. Were Emacs rewritten with more
modern keyboard commands it might possibly see more use from the
people coming from the Mac OS/Windows environments.


On 7/10/12, Kirk Reiser <kirk braille uwo ca> wrote:
I believe you are absolutely right in your message below except for
one fact.  It is not that emacs or vi chose to be different than the
norm.  When they were written they were the norm.  This is a point
that so many newbies either forget or never learned.  The editors and
other applications such as emacs came long before Microsoft ever
dreamed of Windows or even DOS.  DOS was a cheap immitation of the
Unix type shell only poorer, a lesser cousin if you will.

They could not choose to be different because there was nobody to be
different from except other unknowns by todays standards such a teco
and redit etc.


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