Re: [orca-list] the speakupmodified dists from

You are absolutely right. I'd forgotten about the talking Arch option. To me, Debian's example is the most impressive. The business card sized iso which is like 30 or 40 megs or something like that has software speech built in to it. goes to show you that it doesn't take up much space on an image and that it's most likely something else that prevents more distributions from making this option available.

Alex M

On 7/8/2012 4:14 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
Add archlinux to that list please.  There's a talkingarch version that had
espeak added to it. On Sun, 8 Jul 2012, Alex Midence wrote:

The only distros I know of that have speakup with software speech
functionality out of the box are Debian and grml.

Alex M

On 7/8/2012 4:24 AM, Thomas Ward wrote:
Hi Mattias,

To the best of my memory yes. The distributions from the Speakup
Modified website are only configured for hardware synths. I'm not
aware of any speakup modified distributions that use ESpeakup or
something like that for software TTS. :D

On 7/7/12, mattias <mj mjw se> wrote:
will them only work with hardware tts?
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Jude <jdashiel-at-shellworld-dot-net>

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