If Major Distributions such as Debian and Ubuntu are serious about
accessibility, at least using pulseaudio, these required
modifications should be high priority in my opinion. Vinux 4.0,
based upon precise, should depend on this. The current system wide
workaround is problematic and will never be adopted by a mainstream
distribution. Without speech everywhere, the distribution is not
truly accessible and appears not ready for prime time. If those knowledgeable in the issue and it's required modifications are busy, is there a way to find additional resources and pass on this knowledge? On 1/8/2012 4:57 AM, Luke Yelavich wrote: On Fri, Jan 06, 2012 at 07:42:55PM GMT, Alex Midence wrote:I had one gripe with them it's mandatory Pulse Audio. It's got issues that make life harder for someone who uses a tts and everything I have read on forums and postings has led me to believe that its developers are insensitive to our needs and unwilling to dedicate some serious time to overcome the problems we face with it. Those two factors in and of themselves aren't necessarily what make me feel so negative toward it but, add that to its increasingly becoming a dependency for distributions and even desktops in spite of these issues upsets me. But, if I'm going to be upset with Ubuntu over Pulse, I have to cary that over to gnome and KDE and probably even XFCE, Fedora Linux, Arch linux and even Debian.Thats not true, the pulse developers are very receptive to our needs, but its not something that needs changing in pulseaudio. Instead, for the most part, its our software that needs changing. Yes ConsoleKit needs a bit of work to allow us to use TTS with console logins, but other than that, changes need to be made in espeakup, speechd-up, speech-dispatcher, etc to work with consolekit, and thereby run with as few privileges as possible. There are those of us who know what needs doing, but its a matter of us finding the time to do it. Luke _______________________________________________ orca-list mailing list orca-list gnome org http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/orca-list Visit http://live.gnome.org/Orca for more information on Orca. The manual is at http://library.gnome.org/users/gnome-access-guide/nightly/ats-2.html The FAQ is at http://live.gnome.org/Orca/FrequentlyAskedQuestions Log bugs and feature requests at http://bugzilla.gnome.org Find out how to help at http://live.gnome.org/Orca/HowCanIHelp |