Re: [orca-list] Trying Quantal Quetsal Alpha 3

According to "Andy B.":
#In windows 7, go to the start menu. In the search box, type partition
#press ENTER. There is a completely accessible Windows based partition

 One major problem. I don't have Windows 7, and the computer I currently have access to couldn't even come 
close to running it, even if I wanted it. It will cost $300 to rebuild my main computer that runs Arch Linux, 
and I don't have the budget to purchase an extra OS that I would rarely use, and then only in a virtual 
machine. No thanks, I'll stick with Arch Linux with its many available partitioning tools that work with both 
MBR and GPT partitioning systems and are very much accessible to Orca and/or Speakup.
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