Re: [orca-list] Libre Distros--wasRe: Latest Version of Orca

On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 11:50:02AM -0400, kendell clark wrote:
I might just install this. Is it possible to play mp3 or flash
videos with this distro? If  so I'm going to download it and give it
a try. Mp3 is no big deal, but I have a huge collection of mp3's I
want to convert into ogg, but i'm hesitant to do so, because i've
heard that converting from one lossy format to another makes them
sound worse. Any advice?

You heard right.  I would personally never consider "trans code" sound
files like that and especially just for the sake of getting them to a
different format.  Sometimes there might not be any other option but
otherwise, just leave as well alone.  That's my view anyhow.  

To keep this somewhat on topic, yes, you can easily play MP3s from
within Orca by using Totem Movie player, Rythm Box, Gnome-mplayer and
possibly others.

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