Re: [orca-list] Latest Version of Orca


You didn't perform your due diligence here. Sorry, but you've been
around long enough that you should know better.

Did you search the Speakup archive about speechd_up? Did you even bother
to look at the date when speechd_up was last committed into the
repository?  If you had done either of these, you would have discovered
that speechd_up has been allowed to languish unmaintained for years,
that it's woefully out of date, and that it no longer works.

Had you bothered to do a Google search on the single term 'speechd_up',
you would have learned this. At the very least, you might have asked on
the Speakup list before attempting to use a package that has remained
unmaintained since 2005 while we've had massive updates to Speakup and
to Linux kernels.

The wacky part is that you would simply expect it to work without
checking. you weren't thinking, my friend.


Jude DaShiell writes:
Not so whacky at least using espeakup as one might think.  Turns out in 
attempting to install speechd-up to support speech-dispatcher on an 
espeakup system a less than comprehensible error message comes up 
telling me that speech-dispatcher is disabled and speechd-up is broken 
and that speakup speakup_soft are needed so if you don't want rmmod 
speakup speakup_soft.  For the record rmmod speakup speakup_soft nor 
rmmod -f speakup speakup_soft ultimately work after a reboot.  If I knew 
czek of course I'd have had this deciphered and working by now maybe 
even on a couple systems.  It's entirely probable the better 
configuration would have been a stock debian distribution and use of a 
hardware speech synthesizer at first then to back fill with speechd-up 
and speech-dispatcher and remove the hardware synthesizer before 
rebooting.  I'll probably try that next.  Fortunately all I had on this 
machine was speakup itself and wasn't playing with gnome when trying all 
of this or I'd be in an even bigger mess by now.

On Sat, 15 Oct 2011, Janina Sajka wrote:

OK, so here's the deal.

Debian Squeeze is a perfectly good distribution, if you have the skills
to know how to work with it.

In just the past few messages we've heard from a long-time Debian user
who's had no problems with Debian Squeeze. We've also heard from someone
else who seems to have been unprepared to install Debian. Perhaps he bit
off more than he was ready to chew at the moment? Lastly, we've heard
from someone who expressed the rather wacky notion that you might need
to "bet the farm" to switch between gnome-speech and speech-dispatcher.

It should be very plain from these messages that skills matter.
Furthermore, not everyone has them. While it may be human nature to put
the blame elsewhere, that's not a productive approach.

So, I ask Riverwind again, are we going to school now to learn the
skills involved in debugging? Or, is the real goal here to get a working
system up and running as expeditiously as possible? If the latter, I
still suggest Vinux--for the same reason implied by our unprepared
Debian installer below.

One advantage to putting Vinux on this machine is that we will quickly
discover whether there's a hardware issue. That hasn't been ruled out.

Meanwhile, if we're going to hack, let's ask the next question: What
speech subsystem is being used? Does it speak from a console command
line? And, by the way, what is the nature of this crashing? When does it
happen? What are its characteristics? Do we know whether the load level
is being driven through the roof? Etc., etc., etc., etc.


Jude DaShiell writes:
Yes, riverwind is using debian squeeze. On Fri, 14 Oct 2011, kendell clark 

are you by any chance using debian squeeze? I just downloaded that yesterday
and installed it. It was a disaster. I had to have sighted help to install it,
which took almost an hour lol, then I had to manually enable orca after it was
installed. I think I might have some idea what's causing orca to crash but
again I'm not sure. On my fresh debian install, orca was using gnome speech,
which as far as i know isn't very well supported and is no longer developed. I
tried installing speech-dispatcher which worked, but orca wouldn't see it, so
I just gave up and re installed vinux. PIece at last. On 14/10/11 17:15,
RiverWind wrote:
Ok, I am actually running orca 2.30.2 and  Gnome gdm  2.30.5. I am given to
understand that my version of orca is a bit old, but there aught to be
nothing amis with my version of gnome. However, we still can't pinpoint the
source of the constant crashing.

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On Fri, 14 Oct 2011, Jason White wrote:

RiverWind <riverwind shellworld net> wrote:

So for the sake of experimentation, I would like to switch my gnome
version back to "gnome.2.32" and my version of Orca to "xdesktop."
Would I need to download specific disks, or will I be able to
accomplish the switch online, via say, something like the "apt-

Which version of Gnome are you currently running?

In Debian, Gnome 3 is available from the experimental repository only, so
unless you've specifically installed it from experimental, you won't be
running Gnome 3.

In Ubuntu, so far as I've read on the list, you have to enable the
Gnome environment and there are instructions available for this which have
been discussed on the list previously.

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Jude <jdashiel shellworld net>
If I got a nickel for every message I've already sent supporting Microsoft
Windows and its applications I'd have enough to retire on comfortably no
matter what the stock market did.

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Jude <jdashiel shellworld net>
If I got a nickel for every message I've already sent supporting Microsoft
Windows and its applications I'd have enough to retire on comfortably no
matter what the stock market did.


Janina Sajka,   Phone:  +1.443.300.2200
                sip:janina asterisk rednote net

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