Re: [orca-list] Pondering a new email client.

I thought I would bring your answer back to the list for others to benefit.

I like your suggestion as long as that environment variable can be set only for the diration of that terminal session. Elsewhere, I have my PAGER variable set to 'less' since I do a lot of stuff in the native console. Oh wait, is this done within mutt itself or in the shell? If in mutt, then no impact on other shell activities.

On 3/19/2011 11:58 AM, Sebastian Humenda wrote:
Hello Stor,

Steve Holmes<steve holmes88 gmail com>  wrote on Sa, Mär 19, 2011 at 09:03:00 -0700:
I have used mutt inside a gnome terminal before and one nice thing
when doing this is I can use flat review to read through a message
and if I end up on a link, I can right click it and pick 'open link'
and have it pop me right into Firefox.  That works great as long as
the URL doesn't slop over to the next line.
There's a simpler way: "set pager='gedit'". There you can read the
text nice with Orca and copy links, even when it is split over two
lines. Firefox actually fixes links split over multiple lines.


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