Re: [orca-list] scope of this list

Hi Al and all,

That was my experience as well. Its all fine to recommend someone
checkout the blinux list, but the last time I checked it the blinux
list was pretty much dead. I can see recommending that list if it gets
revived, once again becomes active, but the last time I was there it
seemed to me to be very unused and forgotten about. That's why I
joined say the Orca list because there is an active community talking
about Linux access and applications  on a fairly frequent basis.


On 8/15/11, Albert Sten-Clanton <albert e sten_clanton verizon net> wrote:

If John's messages here prompt a revival of the Blinux list, I'm sure that
will be a good thing.  I sometimes have questions that would be better for
that presumably generic list on Linux and the blind than for this or any
other more specialized list.  When I last looked at the list, though, it was
unused, and you can't seek wisdom at a place where there are no wiseguys to
offer it.

I don't think I've been far off the topic in my questions on this list.
There have been times, though, where I wasn't sure where my question
belonged.  If I used only Vinux or Debian or Arch, I'd add that list to my
small repertoir, and would have one more place to go with questions.  I
think I'd have to delete well over a hundred messages if I were on all or
even most of the lists people have mentioned in this thread, though, so the
inconvenience is much less when dealing with both on-topic and off-topic
Orca list messages that I don't need to look at.

In short, on topic is of course desirable.  Accurate subject lines are
especially desirable.  Still, I won't cry a river if (though maybe an
occasional stream) if I have to delete messages that probably should be
somewhere else.  Of course, I also won't cry if the moderators find a gentle
way to reduce the number of such messages.


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