Re: [orca-list] scope of this list

On 08/15/2011 02:49 PM, Jon wrote:
Do people feel the same/any other views?

Absolutely. I've brought this up many times previously, and generally people agree, but nothing gets done. I was thinking that I might just leave the list this time.

I get that it seems nice to help people, and to answer off-topic questions. However, think of what would happen if *everyone* on *every list* did that. If my Scala list is spammed with Ruby questions, my ATX Hackerspace group gets postings on San Francisco events, and my Android list gets overwhelmed by questions from iPhone users, then what's the point of mailing lists? For every one person who says "I can't get my wireless to work. I use Orca. I'll send that to the Orca list!" hundreds of us spend time deleting. And just where do we draw the line in that case? At the moment I'm learning about internet marketing. I use Orca. Should I start posting questions about advertising and affiliate marketing here because I happen to use Orca while doing these things?

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