Re: [orca-list] [Fwd: Default button of Orca]

Hy Alan,

Unfortunately I not see the screenshot, because I absolute not see the screen. :-(:-( I begin now doing this application too, if your application is more percentage, I stopping the implementation. :-):-) I sending a source code, and an ui file to Screen Reader users possible try a little ready part. Please don't surprise, I setted welcome label the selectable property to possible jumping again the label for TAB key when the user try first TAB and Shift+TAB key combination before clicking future first lesson with introducting check box vidgets usage. Hopefuly my dialog is looking good for visual, I testing the dialog only with Orca. Another question, lesson tutorials put for GTKLabel widget text, or do a short label and put tutorial text with an entry widget and associate the label with mnemonic_widget property to Orca automaticaly spokening label and entry field content? Second way perhaps nearest for Mychael ydea to possible browsing the user with arrow keys the lesson tutorial message, but I think if setting the readonly flag for entry widget, Orca not spokening automaticaly the caret before pressing F7 key. Or this is resolvable?

The first lesson is not ready, because I only now doed the welcome screen, and perhaps unfortunately my english is not full grammatical right to write correct lesson tutorial labels text.
My cleaner concept:
All lessons are have with separate dialogs, with wizard style way. The user always possible jumping the next or prewious lessons, after first time begin the first tutorial lesson. First lesson introducing the checkbox widgets usage for two or three check boxes, to see the user have possibility checking and unchecking check boxes with independent, and see possible have different states with check boxes (first check box is checked, second is not, and third is checked).
Second lesson introducing the user with radio button usage.
The next lesson shows combo boxes usage with have some elements.

Perhaps my idea is not full good, but if this way implementation good, training mode feature working similar for Orca if ready a standalone application with all lessons.


Attachment: trainermode.ui
Description: Text Data

Description: Text Data

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