Re: [orca-list] [Fwd: Default button of Orca]


Alan, only have one matter: if this you would like tutorial application is a separate application, what happening if a full beginner visual impaired user not known how can possible launching your wanted tutorial application? You want this feature only with sighted users or easyest developers work if need testing accessibility support he's application for Orca? I little lost the thread. Michael, interesting ydea. I think alan want a similar tutorial application with JAWS Talking Notepad, I very old time see this application, so not remember full what features known this application. If I remember right JAWS Talking Notepad prowide a possibility for user for example try example dialogs without risk real any setting of he's system. Your ydea is interesting too, if for example implementing future a "trainer" mode for Orca, with not equals for learning mode, learning mode and keyboard shortcut list mode helping only learning Orca keystrokes, but not help learning basic keyboard usage for GTK vidgets for screen reader. Look my ydea design for trainer mode related, not full clean the specification: Trainer mode presenting a simple dialog, with demonstrate all possible GTK vidgets. Before widgets, have a label, with tell the user when pressing TAB key, how can try using an example vidget (check box, radio button, etc, and what will be happening if he following the trained step). If this feature implemented, I think real request to first time need focusing the trainer mode button to easyest beginner users learning Orca usage, but of course this is changeable with future if an experienced Orca user not would like this.
Alan, near this design with you would like?
If I talking total different think, excuse me everibody. :-):-)

Other people openions this future possible feature if Alan want similar possibility?


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