Re: [orca-list] Orca speech in Calc sheets

Yeah, I just caught up with some e-mail on this list and gave the fix
a quick try and it's slick! Joanie, how did you do this so quickly? If
there is much detail and too much for the list, you can feel free to
describe it off list.  I was thinking of getting into this in the near
future but you beat me to it! <smile> Thanks again and I guess this
stuff is easier to figure out than I was thinking.  I didn't know how
easy it would be to scrape off the sheet name like that.  It's
especially nice that it automatically speaks with the keypress to
change the sheet focus.

On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 12:38:10AM +0200, Milton wrote:
Hi Joanmarie,
I thank you so much for this quick solution!
In my enthousiasm I completely forget to do ./, make and
make install.
I  've got Orca 2.33.1 pre and
the sheet names are well spoken by switching to another sheet!
Many thanks for Orca.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Joanmarie Diggs"
<joanmarie diggs gmail com>
To: "Milton" <milton tomaatnet nl>
Cc: <Orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 12:06 AM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Orca speech in Calc sheets

Hi Milton.

Strange, after git pull orca -v tells me 2.32.0 pre.

Strange indeed. So after you did the git pull, what did you do to build
and install Orca?

Take care.

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