Re: [orca-list] Text after <a /> is presented as a link

Sorry if this is unrelated to Orca but may be of remote interest as we
try to keep Firefox working with Orca given these trends in content
preparation and rendering.

I find your comments very interesting.  I will have to read those
links for sure.  I'm basing my previous notions on a book I am
reading, called "HTML / XHTML The Definitive Guide," an O'reilley
publication available at  Be it good or bad, it was
published over 5 years ago and might well be sufferring from aging.  I
have heard about HTML5 and am curious about it but haven't found any
literature on it yet.  I'm wanting to educate myself on HTML and PHP
for web development so I can revitalize my programming skills and try
and be marketable again.  I got laid off this spring from over 30
years of mainframe programming but that is obviously a dead profession

There's a lot of new technology out there to learn and I want to get
back into the computer scene.  I'm also learning python as I go along
so I can help fix up Orca and some of its bugs but I also haven't seen
a lot of employment related uses of python either so am moderating how
much time I spend on python.  But maybe I just haven't seen the right
job offerings to know the real value of python.

I also can't resist a "That figures" when it comes to internet
explorer; go figure.  You'd think IE would be readying itself for
HTML5 and would have been able to handle xhtml even when it was a
bigger rage.  Oh, I generally use emacs and its nxml mode to compose
what HTML I've dealt with so far.  It seems to be big on xhtml,
furthering my original desire to follow the xhtml path but I can
probably tell that mode to use a strict implementation of HTML4.

Thanks again for your informative ideas and sorry to the list for this
long side trip.  Hey, out of curiousity, what do some Orca users use
for compiling HTML type documents? I think Emacs is great and since I
use a mixture of command-line and gnome, I don't mind the text mode
stuff at all.

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