Re: [orca-list] bullets not spoken in writer during read all and line


Because I working in hungary the Espeak hungarian specific rules, I do following fix with testing purpose: In Espeak source package toplevel directory have a dictsource named directory. I open hu_list file, and search similar type string, but this is language depending:
_•       fElSoR2ola:SjEl
This line tells Espeak hungarian voice to send the •simbol with felsorolásjel hungarian text. I only remove the _ character before this character, save the modifyed hu_list file and run following command:
espeak --compile=hu
This command tells Espeak to need recompiling the changed language rule files (hu_list and hu_rules with this example) with compiled binary dictionary format. Your country have a people with maintenance your language Espeak rule files? If yes, if you write a this bullet problem related letter and writing he this problem and this fix, absolute sure do you this fix and send Jonathan Duddington the modifyed Espeak rule file. If not have a maintenance people with your language, I welcome try fix you this problem with your language if you send me the used language code and the required word to would like you hear the bullet simbol always. If not defined this simbol with your language Espeak language rule file, need add this simbol, but this is absolute easy and I welcome do you this if not have another maintenance people with your language to do this. For example, if you using Espeak with english language, the wrong en_list bullet related line is following:
_•       bUlI2t
The right line is following this situation until not fixed Orca verbalized punctuation problem:
•        bUlI2t
This line tells Espeak english voice variants to need sending the bullet word with • simbol always. If you search only a languge_list file with the _• string part, absolute sure found the problematic string.

Hope this helps,


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