Re: [orca-list] how to select text when in gnome-terminal

Steve Holmes <steve holmes88 gmail com> wrote:
Actually I have even a later development in this area.  I just
discovered that if I get into gnome with 'startx' from a normal user
login, xclip behaves it's good ol' self.  When I login through gdm,
xclip gives the error I showed last time.  Strange problem but it
probably isn't worth hassling too much about.  
It would be worth writing a bug report; I would suggest your distribution as a
starting point.

Whenever I find what seems clearly to be a bug, I report it. Debian, at least,
has a very convenient bug reporting tool - I don't know what your distribution

That I haven't encountered this bug may be due to the fact that I don't run
gdm; I always log into a user session and start X from there, when desired.
BRLTTY starts quite early in the boot process, so I have full access to the
login prompt.

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