Re: [orca-list] how to select text when in gnome-terminal

Steve Holmes <steve holmes88 gmail com> wrote:
Hash: RIPEMD160

Yes, you can do that but you still have to select the text to be
copied.  That's the thing that frankly, doesn't seem to work anymore.
You need to pipe it to xclip from another program or use input redirection in
the standard ways provided for by the shell in order to get the text there.
Also, I used to us that to copy back and forth between gnome and
native text consoles and now that isn't working anymore; last time I
tried, I got errors about an invalid device or some such.  Haven't had
a chance to sort things out on that yet.
echo $DISPLAY from Gnome-terminal and make sure you are using exactly the same
value as the display option when invoking xclip from the console session.

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