Hello, this might be off topic but I hope that it isn't as it has
something to do with Orca. I installed ubuntu 8.10, switched off pulse and am now using alsa with speech-dispatcher and espeak. I got voxin and it works with sd. The problem I am having is voxin has problems with multicase capitalized letters and strange punctuation issues. Orca's punctuation is set to all the way off, and so is speech-dispatchers. I think this is a ibm tts synth problem, and if anyone can help me fix this this will be most appriciated. Thanks Farhan Khan On 03/07/2009 03:10 AM, Hermann wrote: On 06.03.2009 at 22:14:37 Lorenzo Taylor <daxlinux gmail com> wrote:Hi, I reported the bug with speech-dispatcher and eSpeak on the speech-dispatcher list. It appears to be some kind of bug with alsa or something, even though I am running pulseaudio here and am having the same problem. I received a reply on that list that suggested I either have speech-dispatcher output via OSS or use gnome-speech. I liked either of these options less than I liked having to create a hotkey to a small script that will restart speech-dispatcher and Orca, so the latter is what I did. Hopefully this bug will be fixed very soon.It last since one year, so I am not that optimistic.I get tired of losing speech, even though I can just press a key combination to restart it. And gnome-speech isn't the best option for me either, since its eSpeak driver is now bypassing pulseaudio ...A third solution is to spend a few bugs, stimulate our economy and buy either Voxin or Dectalk. I've bought Voxin, and now I'm able to use SD via Alsa output. Hermann _______________________________________________ Orca-list mailing list Orca-list gnome org http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/orca-list Visit http://live.gnome.org/Orca for more information on Orca |