Re: [orca-list] Problems with Orca text setup (was Re: gnome-orca .2.22 about to enter unstable)

Hi All:

In looking at the trace, it looks like pyatspi might be issuing the trace if it cannot force the at-spi-registryd to start. This is probably new since we moved to pytaspi, and I've opened a bug for us to handle this:


On Mar 13, 2008, at 7:59 PM, Jason White wrote:

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 02:59:47PM +0100, Mario Lang wrote:

This does not make sense at all!  Why would you fake a X11 display
if you are trying to use the "text setup"?
I never had to fake a X11 display to be able to use orca -t.

This appears to have changed recently. If I run it without setting the DISPLAY
environment variable to point to an X display, I get:

jason jdc:~$ orca -t
/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/gtk-2.0/gtk/ GtkWarning:
not open display
  warnings.warn(str(e), _gtk.Warning)
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<string>", line 1, in ?
File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/orca/", line 54, in ?
          import pyatspi
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pyatspi/", line
            44, in ?
reg = bonobo.activation.activate_from_id(REGISTRY_IID, 0, 0)

I've had various problems around gnome-speech and the initial
text setup as well.
AIUI, this is more related to the way GNOME-Speech and ORBit
are implemented, than to any Debian specifics, but I might be wrong.

Thanks. That shows it isn't some oddity of my particular mix of installed packages and libraries, then. I'll wait for further comments on the list
before visiting Bugzilla.

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