Re: [orca-list] Speech-dispatcher 0.6.6 is a huge improvement!

Adam Myrow writes:
... I'd even go so far as to suggest that future
versions of Orca use Speech-dispatcher by default.  First, it works
better than Gnome-speech since it uses Alsa.  Second, it's a heck of a
lot easier to add new synthesizers.  With Gnome-speech, you have to
rebuild it in order to get support for a synthesizer.  Lastly, if you
happen to use Festival, it works way better with Speech-dispatcher than

I am in favor of a move to Speech Dispatcher for Orca. We can discuss
when, but at some point it seems this is the right move.

I would further, however, suggest we forgo Festival as the default voice
in favor of Espeak. I am suggesting we ask our distros to include these
packages via their standard package distribution channels as default
dependencies for Orca.



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