Re: [orca-list] Speech-dispatcher 0.6.6 is a huge improvement!

If you prefer to run speech-dispatcher as a system daemon, edit /etc/default/speech-dspatcher and set the 
variable there to yes. I thought disabling the system daemon of speech-dispatcher by default would please 
some users more, as they can then run speech-dispatcher as a user, once they've copied config files to 
/hom/user/.speech-dispatcher/conf. I'm going to see what I can do to make running speech-dispatcher as a user 
more easy, in terms of getting config files where they should be./Orca for more information on Orca

Hi Luke,

I'd suggest running Speech Dispatcher by the user using a different port
and setting the SPEECHD_PORT environment variable to that for the given

This way, there would be no conflict with the system-wide Speech Dispatcher
(which can be practical for boot-up, login etc.).

Have a nice day,
Hynek Hanke

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