[orca-list] GDM accessible login on Ubuntu gutsy. A success!

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Hey folks.
Just writing to let you all know that I have managed to get accessible login on GDM working with Ubuntu 
Gutsy, and its quite simple. Simply follow the following steps.

1. Open /etc/gdm/gdm.conf in the editor of your choice.
2. Find the following lines, and remove the # from the beginning of each line:


3. Restart gdm.

To use Orca with speech only, press Control S for 1 second. To use magnification, press control M for 1 
second. To use speech and magnification, press either Control O or Control G for 1 second.

These commands are adjustable in /etc/gdm/modules/AccessKeyMouseEvents. The syntax is explained at the top of 
the file.

I hope to get this better integrated for Ubuntu hardy, to the point where accessibility is launched by 
default, if the user so desires.

Hope this helps some.
- -- 
Luke Yelavich
GPG key: 0xD06320CE 
Email & MSN: themuso themuso com
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