Re: [orca-list] plugging other language voices

Dear Willie,

I changed ~/.orca/ as you suggested by uncommenting
orca.debug.debugLevel = orca.debug.LEVEL_INFO
orca.debug.debugFile = open('debug.out', 'w', 0)

I could notice that orca is sending unicode characters correctly when I typed unicode characters in gedit by seeing the debug.out file,

 VISIBLE:  'ààà $l', cursor=4

But the sound was not there, so what I did was I added one line in festival's lexicon.scm file to printout the word that is sent to festival.

I then ran festival server in interactive mode.

When orca runs, it makes connection with the festival server; but at times when I type nepali unicode characters in gedit, festival doesn't receive the characters but when I type English characters, the festival is getting the English word from orca.

And from debug.out file of orca, it is clear that orca is sending unicode characters well. So I thought may be gnome-speech isn't working with unicode, because I believe that gnome-speech gets the text to be spoken and then resends to festival.

Is it a problem with gnome-speech, because I have the older version?

So I tried installing newer version of gnome-speech ( the link you gave me), but it couldn't be configured as it produced

"configure: error: Package requirements ( ORBit-2.0 >= 2.3.94) were not met:
No package 'ORBit-2.0' found"

and suggested to adjust PKG_CONFIG_PATH

I haven't been able to proceed further because of this error.

Am I heading into correct direction?

with regards,

On 6/19/07, Willie Walker <William Walker sun com> wrote:
Hi Ishwor:

>         (assoc 'language (cadr (voice.description
>         'mpp_nep_eks_clunits)))
>         (assoc 'dialect (cadr (voice.description
>         'mpp_nep_eks_clunits)))
>         (assoc 'gender (cadr (voice.description
>         'mpp_nep_eks_clunits)))
>         (assoc 'coding (cadr (voice.description
>         'mpp_nep_eks_clunits)))
> There was no output for these commands, so I searched into existing
> kal_diphone voice and found where it is. I added similar description
> of my voice in festvox/mpp_nep_eks_clunits.scm file.
> I was lucky that the test-speech listed the voice now, and the orca
> too showed the voice in the list.

Yeah!  When you run test-speech, can you get the voice to speak?  If
not, then it won't work with Orca.  :-(

> Orca though is not echoing any nepali characters I write in gedit, and
> doesn't read nepali menu in the  localized ubuntu.
> Is it possible to log/ see what is being sent to gnome-speech
> ( festival server ) while the orca is running.

If you uncomment the following lines in your ~/.orca/
file, Orca will log information regarding what is being sent to speech
and braille to ' debug.out':

orca.debug.debugLevel = orca.debug.LEVEL_INFO
orca.debug.debugFile = open('debug.out', 'w', 0)

Hope this helps,


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