Re: [orca-list] 0's (was Re: form field structural navigation)

Hello Joanie, 
It seems that if you hold down Insert and Shift and no other keys, and 
you happen to be an in entry, you'll get 0's typed as if NumLock were 
on.  This happens not just in Firefox, but everywhere:  Evolution, 
Thunderbird, Gedit, OOo Writer, etc., etc.  In addition, it happens 
whether Orca is running or not.  If you time it just right with the 
addition of the Tab key, this problem does not occur.  Banking on the 
user's "perfect timing" is no good.

I'm not sure what to do here.  Rich and Lynn (and vacationing Will): Can 
you think of anything clever we can do to handle this issue?  Mike, 
would it make more sense to find a keybinding that doesn't have the 
problem of getting us stuck in entries like F does?

I wonder if we might be able to handle insert+shift in a similar way to
how we handle capslock for laptop users?  I'm really not in favor of
changing this keystroke unless we absolutely can't find a fix for this
Thanks hermann for the testing as I tested this on a laptop and never
saw the problem.  

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