Re: [PATCH] core: add internet connectivity check

Hi Martin,

> > I personally
> > would go straight for handling WISPr support and then the rest falls out
> > of it for free.
> I must confess, that I didn't know about WISPr before you mentioned
> it earlier in this thread. The Wikipedia article[1] suggests, that
> it has almost nothing to do with the problem Thomas is trying to
> solve, but maybe I'm completely out of tune. If I understand correctly,
> WISPr is a WiFi- and mobile network related roaming standard, that
> has to be supported by the network provider. OTOH, Thomas is trying to
> automate a check, whether a device has an internet connection (via
> LAN, WiFi, modem, whatever) or not, independent of the provider or
> its support of a certain protocol. While WISPr might be an
> interesting addition to NM, I fail to see the connection to Thomas
> problem and solution. But maybe this is due to my limited
> understanding of WISPr, or the brevity of Wikipedia on the subject.

the first step is exactly the same. You need to get a well known website
and then continue your decision making from there. It needs to become
part of your connection state machine.



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