Re: How to save pin number and auto-connect on startup?

Hi Marcel

>> For which function needs NM the PIN before dialing a connection? As the PIN is
>> saved in the connection profile, it is not necessary to ask the PIN in advance.
>> So there must be something different for which the PIN is needed!?
> actually Dan needs to answer that, but generally speaking the PIN is
> needed to unlock the SIM card. And you need access to the SIM card to
> book yourself into the GSM/UMTS network. No SIM card, no access to the
> network.
> And remember my other comments, even while the mode could allow certains
> things to be done with a locked PIN, most modems just arbitrary disallow
> them until you enter the PIN. So basically if you wanna use your modem
> and your SIM card is PIN locked, you need to unlock it. Otherwise it is
> a paperweight.

Yes, I understand (and never said something different), if the SIM is locked the
PIN is needed to dial connection / connect to GSM/UMTS. But in the connection
profile is already the PIN to dial the connection.

I tried to dial up after Cancel of the initial PIN popup after resume/boot,
there is no problem to dial up. My SIM is locked by a PIN and the PIN is stored
in the connection profile. So the initial PIN popup is not necessary to dial up
the connections, there is something different for what it is needed!? May the
PIN is needed to present the signal strength of the various connections, but as
this takes too long before dialing (in my case) this is not displayed before I
have dialed. When I dial and the signal is to low I'll know it :-) But this only
an assumption about the functionality, Dan can answer it for sure.

best regards

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