Re: =?UTF-8?B?5Zue5aSNOiBOZXR3b3JrTWFuYWdlciBidWlsZCBlcnJvciBmb3I=?= =?UTF-8?B?IG1pcHMgcGxhdGZvcm0=?=

Hi Dan,

Thanks for your reply.
I tried to cross-compile NM for my other board based on arm, but the same error with mips occurs too. :-(
src/NetworkManager.c cannot be cross-compile.
Can anyone please give me some information about how to cross-compile NM? Or tell me who has used NM for non-X86 platform? Thanks so much!

NM is actually separated into two distinct pieces.  The core NM daemon
itself, which actually talks to the kernel and wireless/wired hardware,
does _not_ require GNOME or GTK by design.  The second part, the
user-facing part, does require a separate implementation for each
desktop environment it might be used on.

That's what I need. So, could you please tell me how to separate them? Use --without-gnome?
Is there any documents to guide me kick the second part out?
BTW, NetworkManager.c is belonging with core part right?

Sorry for so much fool questions :-) Thanks again for your help.


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