Re: A comment on NetworkManager

Darren Albers wrote:
On 5/11/06, Gene Heskett <gene heskett verizon net> wrote:

I did install the latest ndiswrapper thats available:
[root diablo src]# ndiswrapper -v
utils version: 1.8
driver version:        1.13
vermagic:       2.6.16-1.2111_FC5 686 REGPARM 4KSTACKS gcc-4.1

 The previous version didn't work at all, wouldn't even modprobe.

Mmm  I think that should work with NM but until you get a front-end
working we won't know for sure.

Here is the WEXT compliance ticket for NDISWrapper, version 1.11 seems
to have full WEXT compliance so you should be good.

Ok, I got the svn, but its its missing the configure and make stuffs. Here is an ls on the top level dir:

[root diablo knetworkmanager]# ls
AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING INSTALL knetworkmanager.kdevelop NEWS README TODO autom4te.cache Doxyfile knetworkmanager.conf pics src

I think the autom4ke.cache was made by my attempt to run autoconf, I don't recall seeing it before.

Not knowing all that much about autoconf, I tried that using as its argument, but that bails very quickly:

[root diablo knetworkmanager]# autoconf error: m4_defn: undefined macro: _m4_divert_diversion
autoconf/c.m4:1011: AC_C_BIGENDIAN is expanded from... the top level
autom4te: /usr/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 1

So the svn suck is not complete with enough stuff to build it, or I need more tutorials. The only other time I used svn, it worked very well indeed. But here I quit while I was ahead...

Cheers, Gene

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