Re: A comment on NetworkManager

Darren Albers wrote:
On 5/11/06, Gene Heskett <gene heskett verizon net> wrote:
> Assuming you have svn installed you can grab it with:
> svn co svn://
(wd now: /usr/src)
[root diablo src]#
[root diablo src]# svn co
svn: No repository found in

Oops, try
svn co svn://

Thats the ticket, it finished with:
Checked out revision 539929.
And that starts the long road to an unmaintainable system like I have at
home, where it took me a year to actually get everything I needed
working right.  So the system works great, but not even yum in that
early version will touch it, too many broken dependencies.  I'd druther
not start down that road just yet with this new lappy.

Understandable so NM may not be something for you until someone builds
a KNetworkManager RPM.  Though I can't imagine that KNetworkManager
would cause this problem since it does not require any special
libraries and if you use Checkinstall it can be removed cleanly.

> This is not an issue of the Network Manager Dev's this is an issue
> with your distro maintainers.  Maybe someone here who runs Fedora can
> point you towards a testing repository that has it?
This is the standard mantra on this list, its *never* NM fault.  That
gets old.

I think you might be speaking out of anger here and not looking at
this objectively.

If it didn't work and didn't screw things up, I'd lean in that direction, but when it totally destroys a working setup so bad it has to be power cycled to recover, I'm less inclined to want to go up that path.
I have lurked/posted here for awhile and have found
everyone to be very responsive but a certain level of initiative is
expected and willingness to experiment since this is a pre-1.0
release.  If you read the list archives you will see A LOT of
discussion and help between the devs and others posted on this list.
A number of suggestions have been provided but you have dismissed
them.  I think the problems for you are the following:

I did in fact follow those that looked as if they might be a promising path. Those that I've tried before I don't see as worth repeating.
1) Your Distro does not have the KDE Front-end yet - Not NM's fault
2) Your Distro decided not to include the patches for direct
NDISWrapper support or is running an old version of NDISWrapper - Not
NM's fault
See above version info. This has been mentioned, but no followup clarification was received, possibly due to my home machine restarting fetchmail there when it did the logrotations over the weekend. I've had it shut down completely now till I get home.

You may not like the answer but it is the truth, it has been proven
repeatedly that NM works for ALOT of people and if you are not willing
to experiment then nobody can help you.  If you are not comfortable
building a package yourself and working out the problems then your
only choice is to switch to a distro with support or wait until FC5
supports it so these issues are cleared up for you.
I did install the latest ndiswrapper thats available:
[root diablo src]# ndiswrapper -v
utils version: 1.8
driver version:        1.13
vermagic:       2.6.16-1.2111_FC5 686 REGPARM 4KSTACKS gcc-4.1

The previous version didn't work at all, wouldn't even modprobe.

NetworkManager-list mailing list
NetworkManager-list gnome org

Cheers, Gene

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