Re: POSIX ACL Support in Nautilus

On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 12:35 -0400, Dave Ahlswede wrote:

> The dialog could be laid out as it is, but with the Owner/Group/Others
> section being a treeview, like what you see in the Open With dialog, but
> with three toggle boxes instead of option buttons. Add and remove
> buttons would be beneath it, and the rest of the dialog could remain the
> same

Just a few more observations while playing with the permissions dialog--
Are the text number views at the bottom necessary? The number view
strikes me as very cryptic to anyone except an expert, and the
information is the text view is already very visible in the permission
setting part of the dialog.

And is there a reason that a user with suitable permissions cannot
change the owner/group on multiple selected files? The dialog seems to
display a label instead of a dropbox when more than one file is
selected, regardless of other circumstances.

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