Re: Proposals...


I will answer this specific email but I agree with the comments in the whole
thread about the need of pushing GM forward. I guess that we should use
GUADEC as a symbolic and pragmatic milestone to take things from their
current status (quite stalled IMHO) and at least update the message we want
to give in

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 01:02:17PM +0200, Nils Faerber wrote:
> > Indeed - the release set does not include what the GNOME project calls
> > "external dependencies". I don't like the phrase, because that implies
> > that we're simple consumers of these dependencies, when in reality many
> > are developped by the GNOME community.
> Then, what was the reasoning for the components being developed within
> Gnome to be called "external"? Being external is for sure tre for things
> like Tinymail, BlueZ etc. so external could still make sense for some of
> those.

I am not so familiar with the history and current internal community of
BlueZ, but regarding Tinymail, it would fit quite naturally in the category
of the components that are not part of the GNOME platform but were created
and are actively maintained completely by people that are part of the GNOME
community, that hang around in GNOME conferences and that work in other
GNOME and projects.

> Anyway as a very first step we should publicly collect *all* components
> we have identified by now. So far it seems not very obvious for many
> participants which components we have identified at all, regardless of
> being in- or external.
> I know that this list exists, but where?

The only list I am aware of is the one in, which is pretty
outdated (basically it is the one we had when GNOME Mobile -then GMAE-
started a few years ago, without any relevant change). I think that we
should try to update it and don't see a very good reason to be too
restrictive with the "accepted" modules, as GNOME Mobile is a quite open
concept/platform. An obvious inclussion from my point of view should be
Clutter, as a complement/alternative to GTK+.

> > I would certainly not be opposed to releasing tarballs of core external
> > dependencies as part of the GNOME Mobile release set on
> This is already a second step, at least for me. First we should make it
> public knowledge what we think could be "useful" in the GM scope, where
> it sits in the stack, what it does, what it depends upon, etc. Of course
> some of this information will be redundant with the original sources but
> it cannot hurt to pull this together into a collection of summaries and
> link from there to the original sources.
> I think I'll start to draft a web page for this with a table and some
> links, OK? This can then be extended over time (and well, I think I will
> also maintain it for the foreseeable future if noone minds).

I think this is a great idea. Back in Istambul we talked about updating the
web and doing some more actions, but this never happened.

If you need some help, just let me know. 


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