Re: Create your own customised GNOME liveCD

<quote who="Luis Villa">

> > There will be some odd non-package-managed muck due to the
> > customisations, but that's not a huge cross to bear. Then, if a user
> > wanted to switch to a standard Ubuntu install, he or she could just
> > install the standard metapackages. Presto. :-)
> Yeah, perhaps we could say 'if you want the install to be supported,
> install these meta-packages' and just leave it at that?

Well, anything installed from main will be supported, but the GNOME LiveCD
will include a bunch of stuff from universe, which are not supported. The
meta-packages don't really impact the supportability of the install, and
even with them installed, it'll still have a bunch of universe stuff on it.

So, maybe a little bit of prose to explain that some of the software is not
supported by Ubuntu is all we need.

- Jeff

OSCON 2005: August 1st-5th
                           No clue is good clue.

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