[libxml++] Re: [Libxmlplusplus-general] Status

On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 10:04:56AM -0500, Stefan Seefeld wrote:

> In the context of manipulating a DOM tree, an important question is
> (as I already mentioned) how to take out a subtree, put it into
> another context, or even another document. That's something that
> hasn't been addressed yet, and which should be added before the
> API can be considered complete.

I've been thinking about this subject, in relation to my mail of a few
minutes ago talking about iterators belonging to the Document (or other
enclosing container) rather than to a Node.
Maybe some kind of "root-node" type is needed, to which other nodes are
attached and which can be iterated over. A Document would have (or be
a refinement of) a root node, and a sub-tree that is copied from another
tree could be attached to a new root-node. The root-node could even
serve as Stefan's ClipBoard concept for owning orphaned Nodes.

Kind of thinking out loud, you can ignore me until I can show a patch
along these lines.


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