Re: [guadec-local] Venue for BoFs

On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 7:21 PM, Fabiana Simões
<fabianapsimoes gmail com> wrote:
Did you have the chance to get more information about this?

Visited ITU today. Find a map [1] and took some pictures [2] of the
rooms which we will have access to [3] (are marked with a black line).
Not sure if we will have access to Torg 2 (have asked our contact
about this). By looking at the map I understand that we will have
access to about 5-6 rooms. A few which are fairly large.

Its still a bit tricky to estimate the exact number of people each
rooms can host. If only the number of people showed up that each BOF
host have estimate will take part in each session things would
probably be alright. The main concern is that more people then the
BOFs host have estimated will turn up and we would run out of space

Can continue to explore the possibilities of getting more space at
ITU. Are also as I previously mentioned willing to ask some hosts to
move their BOF sessions to the 12th although I'm not sure how willing
people are to do that. We could also ask ourself if we want to
considerer to use some off-site venue.

Our contact recommended that we bring our own WiFi equipment as he was
not sure it how it worked with guest access and it seems as there is
no staff to available that can provide info about this now during the

Think FSCONS have some WiFi equipment we could borrow (can take it as
an action item to ask the association about this). Not sure if the
equipment FSCONS have are able to provide the bandwidth we need. I
have very limited knowledge about network infrastructure.


-mvh Oliver Propst

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