Re: virtual signal system ?

Am Samstag, den 11.11.2006, 11:42 -0500 schrieb Paul Davis:

> k3d has nothing on ardour (, where we have upwards of
> 2000 widgets visible on the screen sometimes. from a theoretical
> perspective, the design in GFC is interesting and appears more efficient
> in terms of space. however, i cannot honestly say that i have ever
> detected the size of the virtual function tables in gtkmm to be a
> problem, or even a hint of a problem.

Just a comment...

As one can read here

xfc(Xfce Foundations Classes) 

is the successor of of GFC.
GFC is the successor of Inti

The person behind this is Jeff Franks. But he seems to be missed for
while now

Did someone receive vital signs of him?


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