Re: [gtk-list] Re: Gnome/GtkCanvas (was Re: gtk_args_collect & gnome--)

On Fri, Sep 11, 1998 at 11:51:40AM -0500, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> Those Gnome Libraries in some cases add policy, and this gives us
> consistency.  The Gnome Canvas is not one of the policy widgets, but
> that is not the point.  The point is we want people to use more the
> Gnome Libraries, and thus we want to make the Gnome Libraries
> attractive to developers.  The Canvas is definetly a candy that makes
> it attractive.

let's not let politics dictate our decisions, we should make decisions
based on technical merit ... in the long run, who cares if people use
the gnome libraries, I think our main goal is to have the gnome libs to
be technically supperior, not just used by alot of people (that will
be a side product of being techically supperior)

> I would like to get input on what has gone wrong.  I know the library
> dependencies of GNOME is something that makes the curve a little more
> steep is one of the problems.

I think marius didn't mean that there is something wrong right now, but
by us having to put nongnome type widgets into the gnome libs, it shows
that gnome libs are not that good to begin with if we have to give people
extra incentives to try them

> I do not want to move it for two reasons:
> 	1. We want to use it to give gnome-libs more exposure.
> 	2. We want to have more control over it while we develop some
> 	   important GNOME applications.
> In the long term, I would not mind doing the move.
> Hope this settles the problem down.  

I think it should .... being a gtk widget it makes it a non-policy widget
even though it's in gnome-libs for the time being ...


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