Re: [gtk-list] Re: Gnome/GtkCanvas (was Re: gtk_args_collect & gnome--)

> Gnome is not a windowma^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H GUI toolkit.  To
> facilitate this, we should rename GnomeCanvas as soon as possible to
> GtkCanvas.  The canvas is more like gtkcalender than gnome-app.  I
> think that no egos will be harmed due to this renaming, right? ;)

The point is not an ego problem at all, I will explain the reason.

You have to understand that one of our goals (speaking for the GNOME
project) is to make a consistent desktop.

Now, if we keep the Canvas in the GNOME libraries, people will install
the GNOME libraries because it has got a cool canvas.  They will
eventually figure out that the gnome libraries include other candies
hiding there that facilitates their life.  Then, programmers will
slowly start using those utility functions in the gnome-libraries in
their own applications: and thus help make their programs consistent
with the rest of the GNOME desktop.

Now, independently of that fact (the fact that we want to increase the
user base of the gnome-libraries), the Gnome Canvas has some features
that depend on Gdk_Imlib, which is not part of Gtk yet.

Yes, the code can be splitted: one part of the Canvas goes in Gtk, the
other goes in Gnome.  But I do not want to see the code splited.

Federico and I discussed this before the canvas was implemented: we
choose to call it a Gnome widget, because none of his previous widgets
for the GNOME project gave the Gnome libraries a larger user base (the
handle box and the toolbar).  People did not see any reason to use the
Gnome libraries at all.  So, we decided to make the new widgets, Gnome
widget that would stay on the gnome-libraries and thus encourage
people to look at more things they could use. 

On top of that, I want to add some form of font rendering and
postscript printing to the Canvas.  Of course, this will include some
default font setup and some default font policies, and those will be
part of the Gnome framework.  


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