Re: [gtk-list] Re: Gnome/GtkCanvas (was Re: gtk_args_collect & gnome--)

Miguel de Icaza <> writes:

> If I need a new feature in a Gnome application that modifies the
> Canvas, the feature gets added and a release of the gnome-libs is done
> in sync with my application.  We do not have that privilege with Gtk.
> So, until the GNOME spreadsheet is released with the features we
> originally planned for it, I want to keep the Canvas in the GNOME
> libraries.m

The canvas can (and should) remain in libgnomeui for now.  It is not
inherently a Gnome widget, tho, and in fact a basic ingredient of any
decent toolkit.  Therefore we should plan for decoupling it from
Gnome.  Gnome is not a windowma^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H GUI toolkit.  To
facilitate this, we should rename GnomeCanvas as soon as possible to
GtkCanvas.  The canvas is more like gtkcalender than gnome-app.  I
think that no egos will be harmed due to this renaming, right? ;)

> Yes the Canvas might be useful to other people, but yes, they can
> always install the gnome libraries as well. 

The questions are already there.  Where's the canvas?  People do not
expect the canvas to be part of the gnome libraries because it is such
a basic toolkit component.

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