Re: Spontaneous background colors in treeview

Andrew Cowie wrote:

On Wed, 2007-10-10 at 19:45 -0600, Jeffrey Barish wrote:
I believe that
the manual is wrong when it says that an arrow appears.

One most certainly does appear when you click on the header to sort. Do
you have gtk_tree_view_column_set_headers_visible() set to true? That's
where the arrow shows up.

*(assuming you have a proper Linux distro that maintains GNOME properly
and that you are using a sane and maintained theme)

San Francisco

Sure (it is set in Glade) -- and the headers are visible.  But no arrows. 
This is on Ubuntu 7.04 with the default theme.  On another platform, I see
arrows but no shading -- exactly the reverse of what I get on Ubuntu.  I am
satisfied with just the shading on Ubuntu, although I am curious about the
discrepancy with your observations.
Jeffrey Barish

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