Re: libglade frustration

Quoting Tristan Van Berkom <tvb gnome org>:

The question here, is why dont users go and consult the tarball,
if only to see if the maintainer included a Documentation directory
(you'll find that one usefull in the linux kernel tarball for 
example), if only to read the README, if only to read about some
gotcha about why it compiles strange on some obscure system, if
only for some reason, whatever reason, the point is that the
tarball comes from the people who wrote the software.

What you are asking for is that people who sacrifice large
portions of thier time to write free software for you to 
use - to go ahead and spend the rest of thier time making
sure that every fool on the planet who doesnt know how to
look in the right place for thier information be well guided.

Yes, that's the originating problem here. Libglade is not on my
"bad-documented-libraries" list, so I think anyone having problems to find a
libglade example or to make an existing example work, is really lacking some
basic knowledge either on programming or in searching for information.

If at least the guy complaining would have given more information about the
problems he had, we could have directed him in the right direction, which
would've been much more productive than this "where do we put examples for the
lazy one" thread.


Claudio Saavedra <csaavedra alumnos utalca cl>

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