Re: Static linking in GTK Windows

Gus Koppel writes:
I haven't tried it yet by myself, but wouldn't there be a way to link all
(required) .o(bj) files of GTK+ into a .exe to make it distributable as a
single file? 

Well, that is what static linking *is*.

The run-time components of GTK+, Pango, Atk and GLib consist of much
more than the code. There are initialisation files and message

The .o(bj) files should be obtainable by manually compiling
GTK+ on Windows.

Nah, no need for any manual intervention. Static archives can be
produced using the normal configure/make/libtool mechanism. It's just
that it isn't a good idea.

I would rather put some more effort in
building a completely static binary in a non-standard way, if it's
possible at all. Is it?

Well, those who want it are free to try, of course. I won't spend time
on it.


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