Re: Attn Packagers

On Thu, Oct 11, 2001 at 06:34:45AM -0500, Norman Reitzel wrote:
I find > that bonobo itself is not ready for prime time.

leave bonobo out of the build, period.  I know that for me - at
least for now - the first nut that requires bonobo will be the one
after the last one that I download and build.

IMO that is an overstatement.  The portions of Bonobo used in
Gnumeric are quite stable.  My qualms about _requiring_ Bonobo stem
more from its additional dependencies than stability concerns.
There are enough people having trouble getting the latest and
greatest packages that it makes sens to minimize the number of
required elements.  As graphs stabilize it seems likely that people
will want bonobo & guppi, but i'd like to keep it an option.

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